
 Our team includes the best experts on EU grants, law and taxes in Poland.

Since 2004, we have been successfully winning EU grants and advising business clients on how to achieve success on the market. We specialise in services for enterprises from the industrial economy sector. We are the leader among consultancy companies dealing with EU co-financing in Poland.

With our help, more than PLN 5 billion of non-reimbursable EU funds was credited to the company accounts of our clients. The team is currently comprised of 62 experts on the European Union strategies and programmes, financing, grants, management, business strategies, law, taxes and technological innovations related to production, energy transformation and environmental protection. We employ specialists, engineers, accountants, financial advisors, financial analysts, tax advisors, lawyers and attorneys.

18 years of experience helped us to develop most effective methods for obtaining EU funds under horizontal and regional aid in the form of our own methodology of ABBEYS WAY. We provide our clients with unique and comprehensive solutions and build partner relations based on trust and transparency. Apart from experience and extensive knowledge, we are also characterised by enthusiasm of our Team.

Anna Misiołek, founder and initiator of ABBEYS, is the President of the Management Board of the Company. Anna Misiołek has 22 years of professional experience and many successes in EU-related consultancy as part of cooperation with 750 business clients. She graduated from Eastern Kentucky/ Georgetown University (Washington, USA) and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Szczecin. She co-authored, with Norton Berman, the handbook on “Eight Steps to Economic Development Strategic Planning,” and co-authored “USA – POLAND Investments, Competitive Analysis & Market Research Guide.” She was awarded the title of “Businesswoman of the Year 2009” in the TVN competition. In her private opinion, children are the most important citizens of the world.


Business Development Coordinator

Damian Bryła

He has 10 years of professional experience in building and managing business relationships with industrial clients within the framework of European Union grants and business financing. Specialist in marketing and public relations.

Business Development Coordinator

Patryk Bieliński

He has many years of experience working within the B2B sector in the field of real estate business consulting and European Union grants. Specialist in communications and media.

Business Development Coordinator


Attorney Partner At ABBEYS LEGAL

Anika Zańko

She has more than ten years of professional experience in legal services for entrepreneurs and in court trials. She specialises in commercial law, civil law, company law and labour law. Graduate of the Faculty of Law at the Jagiellonian University and the Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, in Washington.

Cooperation with the scientific community

For years we have been cooperating with technical universities and representatives of the scientific community at various stages of preparation of documentation and analysis of technologies planned as part of investments covered with the EU grants. We have established good relations and extensive contacts among the best scientists in their respective fields.

While preparing the subject-matter body of the applications for EU grants, the cooperation between science and business guarantees comprehensive approach and preparation of the application based on the highest level of scientific knowledge and professionalism.

In order to optimally adapt the project to the requirements of EU strategies, both with regard to production investments and investments related to RES and environmental protection, we cooperate with qualified scientists while executing projects for our clients. In this way we guarantee top-level scientific and substantial support for your company without the need of internal R&D department in our company which would be quite an expensive undertaking. So the best way to pursue the development plans for your company is to choose the services of the ABBEYS team which closely coordinates cooperation with the scientific community and prepares the optimum application for EU grant.

Currently, the scientific and technological partner of ABBEYS in supporting projects implemented with the support of EU grants is:


Clients about ABBEYS

In the course of our activities we managed to attract a strong group of satisfied clients. Here are selected opinions of representatives of management boards of companies that successfully pursue their development strategies and investment plans thanks to cooperation with our team of advisors.


Selected opinions of the clients about cooperation with ABBEYS:

“The ABBEYS team is comprised of passionate people who carry our goal faster than expected, without unnecessary nerves, and with full support and kindness from ABBEYS. The development of our company is our priority, as it guarantees safety and future for our employees and their families. Thanks to ABBEYS support, our goals are turning into reality.”


– Member of the Management Board/COO, construction material production industry, investment of PLN 49,500,000, EU grant of PLN 26,800,000, level of support at 54%

“In the opinion of the Management Board the hitherto cooperation helped us to achieve success. Without ABBEYS’ help we would not be able to obtain the co-financing for the executed project.”


– President of the Management Board, electronic production industry, listed company, investment of PLN 22,900,000, EU grant of PLN 12,700,000, level of support at 55%

“Dynamic, involved and friendly people with great passion – this is how we, as a client, see ABBEYS. The advantage of ABBEYS is high availability of specialists with extensive subject-matter knowledge that are there to solve every, even the most challenging, issue. In cooperation with the interdisciplinary Team of Professionals, we were awarded a grant for a strategic investment project!”


– President of the Management Board/ Co-owner, interior decoration production industry, investment of PLN 12,200,000, EU grant of PLN 6,700,000, level of support at 55%

“We have been cooperating with ABBEYS for several years now. With ABBEYS, our business has grown. ABBEYS showed great professionalism, carefulness and effectiveness of consultancy. During the cooperation the consultants showed deep understanding of our needs and enterprise development plans, as well as knowledge of the operation of a production company in Poland.”


– Member of the Management Board/ COO, furniture production industry, investment of PLN 20,000,000, EU grant of PLN 13,000,000, level of support at 65%

“As an advisor, ABBEYS is distinguished with resourcefulness and invention in finding ways to reach the goal and involvement in the achievement of expected result, which shows its experience and professionalism in action. The consultants we worked with are well-prepared to the work in terms of subject matter, and fully perform their obligations to the client when working under the pressure of time.”


– Member of the Management Board/ CFO, packaging production industry, investment of PLN 29,400,000, EU grant of PLN 17,640,000, level of support at 60%

“We have been cooperating with ABBEYS since 2018. While working on the project, the ABBEYS consultants showed absolute professionalism and involvement. Extensive knowledge, determination and responsibility of the team helped us to obtain funds necessary to purchase new technologies. Technological progress and product enhancements allowed us to develop our business in Poland and on new markets.”


– President of the Management Board, food production industry, investment of PLN 32,024,500, grant of PLN 24,540,800, level of support at 77%

“We recommend the services of ABBEYS related to application for EU grants. ABBEYS met its obligations in an effective and timely manner, showed full involvement, reliability and care for the proper preparation of the application. We are pleased with the cooperation so far.”


– President of the Management Board, food production industry, investment of PLN 18,500,000, grant of PLN 10,000,000, level of support at 54%

Corporate social responsibility

We care for the natural environment and consider it as a vital element of our operating philosophy What is extremely important for our owners and employees is that our actions should have a positive impact on our surroundings. We pursue our mission in accordance with the standards of responsible business. Apart from business development, the ABBEYS strategy takes into consideration social interest and impact of our actions on environmental protection, social interest, and relations with clients, employees and market environment.

Every project financed by the EU must prove its positive impact on the execution of the principle of sustainable development. Therefore, the co-financing obtained by us refers to investment projects that have a real, positive impact on the environment thanks to technological innovations, use of production with reduced energy consumption, reduction of CO2 emission and other pollutions, use of utilities or raw materials, and consequently low impact on the closest environment and the climate. Additionally, the investment projects we develop for the purposes of co-financing follow at least one of the 4R principles (reduce, reuse, recycle, repair), where:

  • reduce means the reduction of the quantity of packaging and waste,
  • reuse means the possibility of use for the production of processed materials and the possibility to use the products multiple times,
  • recycle means the possibility to process packaging and waste
  • repair means the possibility to extend the life cycle of the product by its cost-effective repair.

What is more, many projects we work on have a positive impact on other environmental aspects (not included in the 4R principle).

After the implementation of our projects, the energy consumption by our clients is, on average, reduced by 1/3 in comparison to the consumption before the investment. The introduced technological innovations reduce CO2 emission and lead to the real reduction of carbon footprint as a result of implementation of our projects.

Our priorities include people, their potential, ambitions, passions and development

Our organisation develops and implements the policy based on transparent conditions of employment, remuneration and career path, enabling our employees to increase their competences and professional position. We support our employees in comprehensive development.

We regularly share our knowledge and increase our competences. We are an organisation that is constantly learning. Our employees participate in various symposia, training sessions and conferences, for example, on EU strategies, sources of financing, EU grants, issues related to modern production technologies, RES, protection of natural environment, as well as legal and tax system, finances and business management.

Open communication and partner relations in the company and with our business partners, clients and collaborators form a vital component supporting the effective work of the entire organisation. That is why we pay special attention to openness and respect in building mutual relations. We care for partner relations and open exchange of views. Our employees have access to necessary information that allows them to carry out tasks on an ongoing basis and to generate new creative ideas that may be presented at meetings. We ensure comfortable and safe working conditions. We care not only for business effectiveness but, most of all, for safe and stable working conditions.



ABBEYS Team of Experts is often asked by the media to give substantive comments on EU grants within the scope of technological investments, RES investments or legal and tax regulations. Comments and opinions of our experts on EU co-financing are often quoted by the media, television, papers and opinion-forming magazines. So far we have been involved in the publication of several hundred articles and interviews given by our experts on EU grants in the opinion-forming and trade press and for the radio and television. Examples of statements and publications of ABBEYS experts: EU supports innovative ideas read more Hasty drafting of the application may cost you a lot in the future read more Own laboratory? It could be a good start read more Free time industry is a smart specialisation read more Innovative ideas are appreciated

Career At ABBEYS

We constantly improve our competences and foster cooperation in the interdisciplinary Team of Experts. We are a Team of professional advisors for business clients.

We create perfect conditions for comprehensive development in many professional areas. Our organisation draws upon the experiences, but also constantly looks ahead and focuses on growth.

While working with us, you will have the opportunity to participate in innovative, multi-million projects completed by us for Polish industry leaders. Our work helps our clients to achieve business success and develop the entire sector of industrial economy in Poland. Working with us is interesting and inspiring. You will work in the community of experts on EU strategy, economy, law, finances and modern production technologies, as well as technological transformation and environmental protection. The relations in our Team are built on the basis of trust, knowledge, creativity and solid work.

Do you fit the bill?


ABBEYS for your company

For many years we have been supporting our clients in winning EU grants. Grants for companies obtained by ABBEYS from EU funds are used to co-finance investments and support business expansion of our clients on the basis of EU grants. The co-financing of company development with EU funds offers real help for the development of production and new technologies in enterprises.

We know that the EU Funds help to obtain non-reimbursable co-financing for companies for the development of new projects, technologies and products for clients in many sectors. In addition, we offer you the acquisition and settlement of EU grants from European funds for investments in RES, energy transformation and environmental protection. ABBEYS offers tried and tested consultancy on EU grants.


ul. Grzybowska 2 lok. (room) 35,
2nd floor 00-131 Warsaw, Poland

Monday – Friday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM


ul. Czyżówka 14, lok. (room) 1.13,
HUB POINT office building,
1st floor 30-526 Kraków, Poland

Monday – Friday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM