EU grant for production and new technologies
The goal of the investment project of your company submitted for EU grant should be to meet the priorities set forth in the EU strategy in the form of: implementation of enhanced production technology, application of the latest solutions for Industry 4.0, that is industrial IT, robotisation or artificial intelligence, and having positive impact on its immediate environment and climate. In the current outlook the EU budget offers EUR 12 billion for such investments of Polish companies from the industrial economy sector as part of the European Regional Development Fund.
We will prepare the grant application for your company with regard to investments in production and new technologies
Preparation of the EU co-financing application starts with the presentation of the description of the planned investment by your company, including particularly its goals, business model, estimated budget and its components, and detailed assumptions of the selected production technology.

Then our team presents the framework schedule of cooperation aimed at the comprehensive preparation of the EU grant application for investments in enhanced production technologies. Complete application includes:
- Completion of the analysis of enterprise status and capital/ personal relations
- Completion of the analysis of investment in terms of location and subject of the investment
- Completion of the analysis of investment in terms of possibility to obtain grants from specific sources, including public EU or national aid or other preferential measures
- Completion of the analysis of technologies used in the investment
- Preparation of investment execution plan
- Preparation of investment execution schedule, with the analysis of eligibility of expenses within the meaning of the provisions of the law on public aid and in terms of possibility to meet formal requirements for receiving EU grant preparation of material and financial budget of the investment
- Preparation of the analysis of market surroundings, including suppliers, recipients and competition
- Preparation of the financial business plan, with economic profitability indicators for the investment
Investment budgets of projects related to the implementation of enhanced production technologies may include expenses on:
- modernisation of production plant
- construction of new production plant
- purchase of land and construction of production halls complete production lines,
- furnishing of individual machine production/ processing centres,
- production devices and other production equipment modernisation of machines and devices
- installations in the area of environmental protection installations in the area of energy transformation
- research & development, including construction of prototypes training for machine operators and production
- management employees
- IT hardware and IT services construction of research & development centres
- furnishing of quality control laboratories operating costs development and implementation of new technologies or products, including costs of engineering, prototyping, research or tests, remuneration of engineers and other employees taking part in the investment execution, raw materials for pilot batches

The cooperation with your company in the preparation of the above-mentioned EU grant application is handled by the ABBEYS team comprised of project managers, engineers, analysts, consultants, experts from legal and tax department that provide comprehensive consultancy at every stage of the process of preparation and submitting of application for the co-financing to the relevant EU authorities. In the course of cooperation our team employs our own methodology of preparing EU application, the ABBEYS WAY. Find out more about the ABBEYS WAY.

ul. Grzybowska 2 lok. (room) 35,
2nd floor 00-131 Warsaw, Poland

Monday – Friday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM

ul. Czyżówka 14, lok. (room) 1.13,
HUB POINT office building,
1st floor 30-526 Kraków, Poland

Monday – Friday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM