ABBEYS for your company

For many years we have been supporting our clients in winning EU grants. Grants for companies obtained by ABBEYS from EU funds are used to co-finance investments and support business expansion of our clients on the basis of EU grants. The co-financing of company development with EU funds offers real help for the development of production and new technologies in enterprises.

We know that the EU Funds help to obtain non-reimbursable co-financing for companies for the development of new projects, technologies and products for clients in many sectors. In addition, we offer you the acquisition and settlement of EU grants from European funds for investments in RES, energy transformation and environmental protection. ABBEYS offers tried and tested consultancy on EU grants.


ul. Grzybowska 2 lok. (room) 35,
2nd floor 00-131 Warsaw, Poland

Monday – Friday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM


ul. Czyżówka 14, lok. (room) 1.13,
HUB POINT office building,
1st floor 30-526 Kraków, Poland

Monday – Friday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM