Manufacturer of synthetic materials – production line fitted with artificial intelligence
Date of obtaining the grant: 2017
Period of investment execution: 2017-2019
Value of investment: PLN 59,384,000
Level of EU grant: PLN 23,750,000
Actual level of EU grant: 40%
Story of market success of ABBEYS client after receiving the grant:
The client of ABBEYS is a joint-stock company and the leading Polish manufacturer of various types of synthetic materials used by recipients all over the world in many sectors of the economy. The main recipients of its products are, among others, manufacturers from the medical industry, personal hygiene sector, cosmetology, technical industry, clothing and footwear manufacturers, as well as individual recipients, or households.
ABBEYS completed the application for EU co-financing for this client with regard to the project aimed at the execution of investment in the line for the production of synthetic materials fitted with control system based on artificial intelligence.
Thanks to cooperation with ABBEYS, the client managed to successfully obtain a grant of nearly PLN 24 million to implement the above-described production line. The implementation of the new technology helped to increase the production, improve effectiveness and ensure higher quality of manufactured products, which led to the clear market success, rise in the sales of synthetic materials to clients from various sectors in Poland, Europe and North and South America, and considerable improvement of the financial indicators of the company.
After the execution of investment co-financed with the EU funds, in the years 2017-2021 our client’s sales rose by 150% from nearly PLN 90 million a year to more than PLN 220 million a year. What is more, thanks to the new technology co-financed by the EU and improved effectiveness of production, the profits of our client impressively tripled.

ul. Grzybowska 2 lok. (room) 35,
2nd floor 00-131 Warsaw, Poland

Monday – Friday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM

ul. Czyżówka 14, lok. (room) 1.13,
HUB POINT office building,
1st floor 30-526 Kraków, Poland

Monday – Friday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM