Packaging manufacturer – new line for the production of packaging on the basis of multi-layer film
Date of obtaining the grant: 2018
Period of investment execution: 2018-2019
Value of investment: PLN 29,400,000
Amount of EU grant: PLN 17,640,000
Actual level of EU grant: 60%
Story of market success of ABBEYS client after receiving the grant:
Our client is a Polish family company which specialises in the manufacturing of foil packages for recipients in many production sectors, e.g. household chemicals, food products, industrial raw materials, potting mixes, pet food, fertilisers or construction materials. The company grew thanks to investments in technological progress and effective strategy for sales development.
ABBEYS prepared the application for EU co-financing for the client’s project aimed at the introduction to the European market of high-quality laminates made of multi-layer film with parameters that greatly exceed the competition’s products. Actions taken as part of the project were focused on the implementation, in the business activities of our client, of innovative technology for the manufacturing of products with reduced thickness and higher utility and technical parameters that resulted from the completion of research and development works. The project led to the implementation of technology for the production of high-quality packaging based on five-layer films and the introduction of two new products, that is enhanced laminates with much better parameters of physico-chemical and utility properties and laminate bags.
Thanks to the successful obtaining of grant for the investment in the new line for packaging production in the amount of PLN 17.5 million, the ABBEYS’ client not only modernised its production technology, but also greatly improved its financial results and achieved success on the market.
When the investment co-financed with EU funds was completed, the revenues from sales of our client nearly doubled in the years 2018-2021 and reached PLN 80 million in 2021. Furthermore, from the time of completion of the project, the profits rose by 63% from PLN 7.6 million to PLN 12.4 million.

ul. Grzybowska 2 lok. (room) 35,
2nd floor 00-131 Warsaw, Poland

Monday – Friday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM

ul. Czyżówka 14, lok. (room) 1.13,
HUB POINT office building,
1st floor 30-526 Kraków, Poland

Monday – Friday: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM